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First Generation and Multicultural Inclusive Leadership Case Competition



Description: Developed a strategic presentation aimed at addressing a hypothetical issue in order to facilitate the implementation of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives within the workplace as well as identifying the underlying reasons for the company’s deficiencies in these areas.


TiE University Hackathon Competition


- 1st Place for Best Accessibility Hack sponsored by Fidelity

- 3rd Place overall of 600 participants

Description: Utilized our user experience skills to create an engaging and accessible platform for users to learn essential content like Web 3.0 and NFTs. The prototype and the pitch deck were made within the limit of 48 hours. AdobeXD and Figma were the softwares used for our design. 

KPMG Ideation Challenge


- 1st Round Winners in Denver & SemiFinalists


Description: Utilized our research skills to learn about our client CBRE (Coldwell Bander Richard Ellis) and create a project to implement the Metaverse into their operations. The Metaverse would be used to make their real estate practices more efficient, accessible, and productive within the workplace. 


Portfolio Website

Description: Utilized my knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to make an interactive portfolio website to showcase my resume, courses taken, and a contact page. When clicking on the course icons, there is an element where it can be added to the favorite classes portion and has a live counter. 

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